How To Play Simple Chess
This article will teach you how to play simple chess, or as most people call it, beginner’s chess. You can even learn how to play this game from someone who has never played before! That is definitely not easy to do unless you are very skilled at playing games.
Simple chess is usually considered an easier version of regular chess because there are only two colors (or pieces) per side. There are also just eight starting moves that each player makes in their own turn. After those eight moves, the other player gets to make their next move, and so on until one player wins by making a completely different move than what they originally made.
This article will go more into detail about why simple chess is such a great way to begin learning how to play chess, and then give you some tips on how to start your own simple chess journey.
Learn the basics of chess
The first step towards playing like a pro is to learn how to play the game! There are many ways to learn chess, but one of the most basic ways is to start with beginner’s chess books or YouTube videos.
Many people begin by learning how to move individual pieces (or pawns in particular) so that you can recognize them and know which piece goes where. After that, they slowly add more advanced features of the game such as understanding check-and-capture moves, knowing when it is time to make a pass, and who gets to do this.
These concepts are very important parts of chess and should not be left out! Luckily, there are lots of free resources available online for beginners to try their hand at. Just remember, even if you don’t understand everything yet, just because you didn’t grasp the concept of check doesn’t mean that it isn’t something that you will pick up later.
Know your opponent
A good chess player is not just someone who knows all of the moves, but also knows how to evaluate their position and what they should do next. This person has strategies for every situation.
A great chess player understands that his or her opponent will make mistakes at some point. You can capitalize on these mistakes by taking full advantage of the situation.
The way to play simple chess is to know the rules of the game and use them effectively. Then you can focus more on playing smartly instead of memorizing lots of flashy tricks.
You can learn some basic tips about the game from this article! Read on to find out more.
Understand the importance of capturing
In chess, one of the most important things is for two pieces to move onto another space. This is called a capture.
A piece can only make a valid capture by touching an enemy piece that is next to it or using a square as a bridge. For example, if there are three pieces in a row, then the rook could take off the bishop’s head because it is a bridge between them. The pawn could take off the knight’s boot because it is adjacent to it.
The reason this matters so much is because you must either lose your own piece (by giving up a material object) or force your opponent to give you something they want (a part of their army). If you are very careful with how you play, you will win sometimes!
There are five types of captures depending on what position the piece goes after and who it is that gets captured. These are:
En passant
Rook sacrifice
Backward movement
Let’s look at each one separately.
Know the different types of chess openings
There are two main categories for starting games, an opening or start position. An opening is when you choose which colors your pieces go in and what type of formation they have. For instance, if you pick a pawn structure, then you will usually open with that configuration.
You can also play an empty shape position, like a King’s Indian or Grunbaum-Sänner. These openings do not have any specific rules, but most people use the same strategies for them! This article will talk more about some of these.
The second category is a transition game. A transition game starts off with one style of gameplay, and then changes it later. For example, a common transition game is Sicilian Defense, where you place the Knight on c3 to protect the next piece (the b2 square). Then, the black player puts their knight on b5 to try to take control of the board.
Another popular transition game is Nunn vs Torre, where each person tries to put pressure on the other by maneuvering his/her own pieces around theirs. Both players strive to gain time so that they can make the appropriate moves later, though.
Become familiar with the different pieces
The next step in chess player development is learning how to recognize all of the pieces! There are eight main types of pieces, and you should be able to identify them all.
The word “piece” comes from the French word pièce, which means piece or fragment. A piece in chess is anything that moves around the board and can be captured (taken) by an opposing piece or the king.
A common beginner mistake is not knowing what kind of piece each color of square represents. For example, if you look at this diagram, what does the white pawn do? It captures either another white or black pawn.
This article will help you learn the colors and types for every chess piece. After you have learned these things, you can start practicing by looking up some easy games on YouTube or other online resources.
Learn how to make a plan in chess
In simple chess, you don’t have much going on beyond making moves and seeing what happens next. You won’t find flashy maneuvers or mind-bending concepts like pawn structures or rook endgames. There are no puzzles or trick questions either!
Simple chess is often described as “relaxing” because of this. It can feel refreshing after more complex games. Plus, it’s easy to get started with, which makes it good for beginners who may not know any other game.
There are only two pieces per player (no castles!), so there’s less room for error than with checkers or Clobber. This means simpler games tend to go faster!
If your goal is just to learn how to play chess, then simple chess is totally fine, even if you eventually want to take things further. Many professional players start out by playing nothing but simple chess before moving up.
How to play simple chess
The basics of simple chess are pretty straightforward, so anyone can pick up the rules quickly. Here they are!
Start off with a beginner level opening like the Queen’s Gambit Accepted. Then, once you’re sure you’ve got that down, move onto an easier challenge like the Sicilian Defense. Finally, advance to something slightly harder like The Dragon. These three openings are great ways to begin practicing basic chess strategies.
Know the different types of chess strategies
Another way to learn how to play chess is to understand the different types of chess strategies. There are three major categories that most people identify as being “chess strengths”, but I believe there is another one that you should know about.
The first type of chess strategy is referred to as positional. Positional chess players focus on maximizing their king safety while limiting the space your opponent can attack or threaten an offensive maneuver.
A second type of chess strength is called tactical, which focuses on finding a solution to a current problem by thinking outside the box. Both of these concepts apply to any opening situation, so this person may spend time studying openings beyond just the initial moves in a given position.
The final kind of chess strength is conceptual, which looks at the overall game plan for the player. This person could study endgame theory or map out his/her long-term goals like promoting a pawn or seizing control of the board.
All of these styles of play depend on knowing what kinds of positions exist in chess and having good tools to solve them. Obviously, someone who spends all their time analyzing positions will not be very creative!
With enough practice, anyone can develop any of these qualities if they work on it. Starting with the basics (positions) is always the best place to begin. Beyond that, whatever style of play seems interesting to you really only matters to you.
Know your opening strategies
The first thing you need to do as a beginner is know how to play the chess openings. There are many types of openings, but the two main categories are classical or open games and strategic or closed game styles.
The term “classical” comes from the old fashioned way that people played chess. Back in the day, players would choose one move per player per turn for an entire match!
Nowadays, we have faster ways to play the game. With technology moving at lightning speed these past few years, there are even computer programs that can defeat professional level humans!
By learning some basic ideas of the classical style, you will be well on your way to becoming a better chess player. These concepts include the initial moves, timing your moves, and knowing when to make peace and end the game.
How to learn more about the classical style
There are several good websites and books that explain the basics of the classical style.